Oral Surgery in Spokane Valley, WA

Oral surgery involves specialized procedures designed to improve, restore, and protect your smile. Smile Source in Spokane Valley offers a wide range of surgical procedures for all ages, along with sedation dentistry to ensure a comfortable treatment experience. Whether you require dental extractions before implant placement, surgery to address impacted wisdom teeth, or procedures to enhance your smile and replace missing teeth, our experienced dentist, known as the top oral surgeon in Spokane Valley, focuses on complete body health for the healthiest, most effective outcomes!

Sedation Dentistry for Oral Surgeries

In Spokane Valley, WA, our dental office provides a range of patient surgeries with your comfort in mind. We offer safe and advanced sedation dentistry services for those with dental anxiety or undergoing lengthy procedures. During your surgical consultation, our dentists will review your medical history to determine the safest option and most effective level of sedation

Dental Implants

If you're missing teeth, our dentists specialize in permanent tooth restoration through dental implants. We use titanium posts in the jawbone, and these implants offer lasting and natural-looking results. They require no dietary restrictions and are designed to last a lifetime. We have various dental implant systems, including Single Dental Implants, All-on-4® Dental Implants, Hybrid Dental Implants, and Implant-Retained Dentures.

Sinus Lift Surgery

Sinus lift surgery is performed for insufficient bone height or large sinuses hindering dental implants. This procedure, also known as maxillary sinus elevation, involves a bone graft for improved implant stability. Our dentists often perform sinus lift surgery to provide added security for dental implants.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are performed in emergencies or to prevent future issues. Our dentists perform extractions for pain, discomfort, or infections caused by irreparable tooth damage. Digital x-rays are taken to assess the extent of damage before any extraction.

Wisdom Tooth Removal

Generally, wisdom teeth are removed in their late teens or early 20s. We use advanced diagnostic tools to determine the best time for this procedure. While not every patient needs it, wisdom tooth removal can prevent pain, orthodontic problems, and severe infections. We perform various wisdom tooth removal surgeries, including impacted wisdom teeth 

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is necessary when a tooth's pulp, or nerve, becomes infected by decay or damage due to injury. An examination and x-rays determine if a root canal is needed. The decay and pulp are removed during the procedure, and the tooth canals are cleaned and filled to prevent infection. Infected pulp may be painful, and a root canal eliminates the pain while restoring the tooth's health.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a surgical procedure to promote jaw bone growth for dental implant support. It is recommended for patients with jaw bone loss caused by gum disease or extractions. During the procedure, bone material is placed through a gum incision, and a growth factor aids integration. After healing, implants or dentures can be fitted. Bone grafting improves the appearance and function of the jaw, providing an effective solution for missing teeth.

Ridge Augmentation

After tooth extraction, ridge augmentation involves placing a bone graft into the empty socket to recreate the natural shape of the gums and jaw. This prevents jawbone deterioration, allowing for future denture use or dental implants. Ridge augmentation benefits overall smile health and enhances appearance and confidence. 


little girl smiling while playing with a model of teethA frenectomy is a straightforward surgical procedure involving removing or modifying the frenulum, a small tissue that connects the lips, tongue, or cheeks to the surrounding oral structures. It is commonly performed to correct problems caused by a restrictive or abnormal frenulum, such as tongue-tie or lip-tie. Frenectomies are relatively quick and can be done with minimal discomfort. By improving mobility and function of the affected area, frenectomies can positively impact speech, feeding, and overall oral health.

Start with Your Surgical Consultation

Smile Source Spokane Valley is here for you when you need comfortable, effective oral surgery or dental extractions. Your surgical treatment begins with a consultation with our skilled team, to have all your questions answered and ensure your comfort before your treatment begins. Contact us today to schedule your visit! 

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